Knappen Milling Flour on Store Shelves - Response to COVID-19

A Letter to Our Community, Family, and Friends

Getting flour on store shelves.

The production of goods and services is often born out of scarcity. History has proven time and time again that some of the most innovative solutions rise out of hardships and an unexpected turn of events.

Indeed, during these strange times, we find ourselves in need of everyday items we have grown accustomed to taking for granted. Who would have guessed that the word-wide Covid-19 pandemic would cause a shortage of supplies such as toilette paper and flour?

And yet, we found the shelves empty. Household bakers asking us if we would sell our flour in small bags to them. Historically, Knappen Milling Company has exclusively sold flour products wholesale to large businesses in the cereal and food industry. You may have enjoyed them in some of your favorite brands and snack foods without realizing it.

“It became clear to us that our small flour mill could help our community during this uncertain time. So, we rolled up our flour-dusted sleeves and launched our new product line, Knappen Baking Flour. It has been a group effort of hard work to get packaging, labeling, and approvals complete to get our flour on store shelves as quickly as possible and I am very proud of everyone’s work.” revealed Emily Likens, President of Knappen Milling.

“After rave reviews and our own experimentation we worked hard to get packaging, labeling, and approvals complete to get our flour on store shelves as quickly as possible,”

For the first time in our company’s history, our baking flour is now available on the shelf at local stores. The support has been overwhelming and we are honored to provide a high-quality option for this much needed daily staple. Flour is an essential ingredient in so many of our favorite foods, even if we don’t always think about it until we can’t find it.

During wartime and epidemics, people are forced to stay home and cook and bake more than ever. While there are many aspects of these trying times that are uncertain and difficult, we are overjoyed to hear about the bread, desserts, and baking experiments you are creating.

It means everything to us that we can play a small part in the new memories and traditions that are being created in kitchens across America. We will continue to keep flour on store shelves as long as they are needed.

Family values and traditions are ingrained in our company culture. Four generations of Knappen’s have been milling flour and grains in Michigan. We are proud to be a woman-owned business led by CEO Emily Likens, great-granddaughter to our founder, Charles B. Knappen Sr.

You can be certain of two things: The human race will persevere and everything is just a little bit better when baked with love and the highest quality flour possible. You can count on it!

Please visit our online store and visit our Facebook page for a list of local stores where you can find Knappen Baking Flour on store shelves right now.

For more information contact Emily Knappen Liken. For sales information please contact Todd Wright at

Office: 269-731-4141 ext 256


  1. Is your flour still available in local stores? If so, where might we find it?
    Thank you

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